Tips To Choose The Right Hearing Aid

Tips To Choose The Right Hearing Aid

Tips to choose the right hearing aid

The world seems a dull place to live in if we cannot perceive everything around us. Our sensory organs are the ones that allow us to bask in the glory of nature. However, life can be difficult for those who cannot perceive the surroundings around them due to an impairment in either of their senses. Vision impairment, hearing-impairment, verbal impairment, etc. pose a hurdle in allowing the individual to reach their full potential. However, the development in the field of science and technology has enabled such specially abled people to lead a normal life. One such boon of the modern world is the hearing aid which allows hearing-impaired people to listen and communicate effectively without any hurdles. If you are about to buy the perfect hearing aid for a loved one, you need to be aware of certain things before you make a purchase.

Here are some of the common questions that every potential buyer ponders on before making a choice.

How does a hearing aid work?

  • Hearing aids have three main components that allow a hearing-impaired individual to listen to the sounds that he never had the opportunity to listen to. They are- a microphone, amplifier, and speaker.
  • The hearing aid receives the sound through the microphone installed in it, and the amplifier converts the sound into signals. These signals attain a meaning when they reach the individual through the speaker.

Which are the two types of electronic hearing aids?

When people make hearing aid comparison, they are mostly caught up in deciding which electronic hearing aid to opt for, since there are two types of electronic hearing aids, namely:

  • Analog hearing aids – Simply put, analog hearing aids convert sound waves into electrical signals. These hearing aids are customized to meet the exact needs of the user. If you make hearing aid comparisons, you will know that these analog hearing aids are cheaper than digital ones.
  • Digital hearing aids – These hearing aids convert sound waves into numerical codes before it is amplified. Also, these hearing aids are capable of amplifying certain frequencies more than others.

What are the different types of hearing aids?

There are different types of hearing aids, and you can compare these hearing aids and choose the right one. They are as follows:

  • Invisible-In-The-Canal (IIC) hearing aids
  • Completely-In-Canal (CIC) hearing aids
  • In-The-Canal (ITC) hearing aids
  • In-The-Ear (ITE) hearing aids
  • Receiver-In-Canal (RIC) hearing aids
  • Behind-The-Ear (BTE) hearing aids

How to choose the right hearing aid?

There are plenty of hearing aids available in the market which makes it difficult for you to choose the right one. When you make hearing aid comparisons to arrive at a conclusion, ensure that you adhere to the following tips to land the perfect hearing aid.

  • Check whether the device allows you to listen to the sounds clearly. Clarity is the major factor that people look for in their hearing aid.
  • While comparing hearing aids before buying, ensure that you try it on to see whether it is comfortable for you.
  • Listen to the different hearing aids in different environments. This will give you an idea of how efficiently your hearing aid will function.
  • Since you will be using your phone, it is imperative you test the hearing aid while using your phone.
  • Whenever you buy a hearing aid, ensure that you read the fine print and choose the hearing aid after going through its specifications.

Which are the best hearing aid brands?

When you compare hearing aids, you can conclude that the following brands are the best hearing aid brands.

  • Miracle-ear Hearing Aids
  • ReSound
  • Phonak
  • Oticon
  • Beltone
  • Embrace Hearing
  • Signia
  • Starkey
  • Widex Hearing Aids
  • Zounds Hearing Aids

Hearing aids play a significant role in allowing a hearing-impaired person to lead a normal functional life, so it is imperative that you make hearing aid comparisons and choose the best one.


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