The Importance Of Business Text Messaging

The Importance Of Business Text Messaging

The importance of business text messaging
People usually prefer to communicate over text rather than over call as it is more convenient and non-intrusive. It is not as formal and cold as an email and hence text messages are an optimal method of engaging business opportunities. Business text messaging provides a new communication channel to reach a much wider audience.

Why do you need business text messaging?

  • 90% of consumers prefer to receive business messages over text messaging or messaging apps. However, less than half of the businesses are equipped with messaging services.
  • While making a change like that can be hard, it is important if you are willing to snare in the millennial customers.
  • You might not have the capacity to manage a new communication channel, but it is a lot easier to manage and it also works for many customers and not just the millennials.

How is business text messaging useful?

  • Better customer service : Using text messaging services has made it easier for a lot of service sector businesses to easily follow up on appointments and determine the quality of services provided. This also allows them to find any problems that might have occurred, which leads to increased loyalty, positive reviews, and higher NPS scores. Emails that might be used for work may not yield such results. It is also much easier to text back and forth in a lot of cases, and any problems can be quickly responded to and can be easily fixed.
  • Faster responses lead to higher sales : When customers have easy access to the business or service, it is easier to keep them engaged, interested, and happy through text messages. Google click-to-message and other similar services make it easy for customers to send messages, hence attracting more questions and queries, and consequently, leading to higher sales. Emails may take time to be checked, whereas phones are always in the hands of the customers and can be responded to faster.

How does business text messaging make it easier to handle sensitive information?

  • When dealing with sensitive products or services such as funerals, or adult toys, talking on the phone can be hard or awkward.
  • Text messaging services, hence, handle these sensitive business situations via text message.
  • This allows the businesses to build stronger relationships and provide the best services.
  • It also increases online reputation for the business. Emails that are used for work purposes are not used for this.

What are the advantages of business text messaging for a business?

  • High conversion rate : There is a high conversion rate with SMS marketing in comparison to the other ways of marketing. The B2C conversion rate is higher than that of most other business platforms. There are various messaging apps available to send bulk messages that can make your marketing and communication much easier.
  • High open rate : Bulk SMS marketing has a high open rate, with an SMS being opened within 10 minutes of being sent. In comparison, emails are rarely opened as they are mainly sent into the spam box and are quickly deleted.
  • Inexpensive : SMS services are budget friendly and economical as compared to billboard advertising or television and magazine advertising.
  • Wider appeal : About 5 billion mobile users are currently present in the world. SMS is an easy way to reach a large audience quickly.
  • Easy reach : Even mobile users without an internet connection can easily send or receive messages. Marketing communication is more easily reached, and sending feedback messages also becomes easier than on the internet.
  • Quick : Email marketing requires an internet connection that is fast and operational. There is a requirement to log in, and it requires more money than to receive and send messages.
  • Personalized : Messages can be personalized, where the customer’s name can be added into the message or messages. It can be based on the previous buying behavior or can be location based as well. The rationalization for each person can be achieved in messaging services rather than in other services, which demand large amounts of money.
  • User-friendly : Internet marketing or sending and receiving emails can require a bit of know-how on the technological side. Sending a message does not require rocket science or a degree. Any person familiar with a mobile phone can use SMS as a means of communication.


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