Buying The Right Vehicle GPS Tracking System

Buying The Right Vehicle GPS Tracking System

Buying the right vehicle GPS tracking system
No matter what type or size of vehicle you have, you would find a car tracking device to be of great use both in the short and long run. There are so many different kinds of vehicle GPS systems to choose from that it might make it hard for you to zero in on the right one for your needs. Here is the “need-to-know” information about these systems, along with some tips on how to choose the right one for your car.

What are GPS vehicle tracking systems?

  • They consist of a tracking device that is placed inside the vehicle with a central server as well as software to let users track their vehicle from anywhere.
  • They collect information related to the vehicle’s speed, the direction of travel, and its position.
  • The information transmitted from GPS vehicle tracking systems is real time and is updated every two minutes or so.

Why do you need a vehicle tracking system?
You will find a GPS vehicle tracking system to be very useful in the following cases:

  • If you own a car rental or fleet management business and need a way to keep a track of all your vehicles on a real-time basis.
  • If you are a parent and want to keep track of your children or loved one while they are traveling.
  • If you want to optimize your vehicle’s efficiency and improve its maintenance.
  • If you want to prevent your vehicle from being stolen or want to track a stolen vehicle.

What are the features available in vehicle GPS tracking systems?

  • Real-time tracking : Real-time monitoring of the vehicle’s position, the direction of travel, speed, etc.
  • Trip history : Detailed information about all the trips made by the vehicle, including its average speed, number of kilometers traveled, idling, engine time, stoppages, routes, etc.
  • Real-time alerts : Alerts to optimize fuel efficiency and analyze driver behavior are available. These include speeding alerts, route deviation alerts, the start of day alerts, tampering alerts, stoppage alerts, idling alerts, etc.
  • Accessible anywhere, anytime : It is accessible via smartphone and the web, which allows owners to track their vehicle from wherever they want and whenever they want.
  • Geo-fencing : It offers the creation of geo-fences around an area, which triggers alerts if the vehicle exits or enters them.

What are the benefits of vehicle GPS tracking systems?

  • Vehicle GPS tracking systems provide route optimization services to help you find the ideal route, on a real-time basis, to reach a destination in the shortest time possible.
  • They improve customer service of fleet management services by decreasing the response time.
  • They reduce fuel costs by improving the vehicles’ fuel efficiency.
  • They improve the safety of fleet vehicles for both drivers and the customers traveling in them.
  • They prevent vehicle theft and also reduce costs related to the same.
  • Increased fuel efficiency and the elimination of unwanted driver behavior lead to better management of the vehicle, which reduces the overall management costs in the long run.
  • Many insurance companies offer discounts on vehicle insurance for vehicles fitted with GPS tracking systems.

What do you need to consider when choosing a vehicle GPS tracking system?

  • Real-time tracking
  • User-friendly interface that makes vehicle GPS tracking systems easy to use by everybody in the family
  • Ease of adding, managing, and controlling user profiles
  • Ease of installation
  • Response to voice instructions instead of only displaying maps
  • Speed limit monitor to monitor speed and provide alerts if the limit is crossed
  • Free services with a receiver that would reduce the hassle of paying for services on a monthly basis
  • Trip history
  • Alerts
  • Should be accessible via apps on smartphone or tablet
  • Geo-fencing
  • Dashboard summary and historical reports

What are some of the best vehicle GPS tracking systems in the market today?

  • Spy Tech STI GL300 mini portable vehicle GPS tracker : One of the most popular vehicle GPS systems in the market, it offers near pinpoint accuracy in tracking vehicles.
  • Automatic Pro car GPS tracker : It provides unlimited monitoring of a vehicle on a 24/7 basis.
  • MOTOsafety GPS vehicle tracker : It comes with route replay and ODB support features and hence is great for parents who want to keep a track of their teens while driving.
  • ABLEGRID GPS vehicle tracker : This is one of the best vehicle GPS systems with a long battery life of 180 days standby time with continuous operation for two weeks.
  • MasTrack real-time GPS vehicle tracker : It has myriad features with nationwide coverage in the country and Canada for a monthly paid subscription.
  • Mileage Ace car GPS tracker : This is useful for creating accurate mileage logs to be used for accounting and logistics purposes.


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